Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My room!!

I REMEMBERED WHAT I WANTED TO SAY IN THE LAST POST!.. okay sorry.. This is where I post things when I don't want to have to many Facebook updates c:
So I was thinking about redoing my room for the new year. And my mom told me that my dad whats to do the WHOLE house. Like replacing the flooring to different tile. And take out ALL carpet. And at that point I was like "YOU ANIT TAKIN' MY CARPET OUT OF MY ROOM. HELLS NO." ..But other then that it sounds GREAT! :D ..... So I think were gonna redo every room hopefully.. So for MY room.. I was thinking Beach themed. I know.. It sounds so girly. But like the walls could be a light pink, and maybe above my closet there could be a big yellow sun. and my bed sheets would be tanish. And it would be a canapĂ© bed and I would hang bleach colored fabric from it. OMG THIS SOUNDS SO BEAUTIFUL... Only girls put this much thought into their rooms... But the problem is.. My tv is BLACK. And that does NOT go with the theme. at all.. Maybe I could paint it... Hmmm.. AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE BAMBOO!!!!! .... i'm such a genius. c: Bye.

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